I'm putting this out there now only because it does not look like my team from last year is going to make the final roster. They are fourth on the first refusal list. I'm looking for a team who needs a runner for either Leg 3 or Leg 8 (or possibly both. It would be a stretch, but doable). I've done the rest and am looking to complete them all. If you can accommodate me on your team roster, it would be much appreciated. If so, please contact me at oakesjo@eastlink.ca. We can discuss the details. I will be in standby mode until I hear from someone. Hoping to run the Cabot Trail at least 2 more times . . . the Fauxburg Flyer.
Supplementary: I'm going out for a run today, 22 May. Tomorrow is a rest day for me. Hopefully by late Friday morning I will have received a favourable response. Regardless, however, I wish you all a fantastic time trekking over the trail. Run well and be safe. Cheers, Jeffrey.
Second Supplement: If need be, for any team needing a runner for Leg 3 or 8, I can be at the start of either one hour before their respective start times. My travel time to Leg 3 is approximately 6 hours, and to Leg 8, 7 hours. Any call to me regarding my participation on your team for either of these leg must take my travel time into account if I am to be at either on time. I can be reached at 902-529-2787. I will be driving a white Chevrolet, Astro Van. I can drive up today, as well, if need be. Jeffrey
Third Supplement: I didn't make it to the CTRR this year. Congrats to all runners and teams which participated in such a great weekend end of running. I will available, all things going well, for the CTRR, 2025 version. Hoping to complete Legs 3 and 8 to top off the complete set. Cheers, Jeffrey
Leg 3 or 8
Moderator: CTRRcommittee